CodeCup 2025 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2025 - An online programming competition


Contest Amazes
Date Sat Nov 07 2009
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 26
Swiss rounds 9
Players in final round 18

Results and ranking

Click here for a CSV of the results.

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1David Venhoek (21, NL)NIODarkMaster C 26 21380
2Harry Rietberg (41, NL)CodeCupAmazing_V099 Java 26 19660
3Wouter Smeenk (25, NL)CodeCupHunterV192 Java 26 19410
4Arjan de Vries (1973, NL)CodeCuppakjespiet3 Pascal 26 19138
5Schuyler Smith (17, US)CodeCupblue Python 2 26 17784
6Matthijs Tijink (32, NL)NIOPillarCrusher C++ 98 26 14560
7Maks Verver (42, CH)CodeCupUnnamedPlayer1 C 26 12340
8Dan Banica (37, RO)CodeCupAmazes Java 26 11227
9Tanaeem Moosa (24, BD)CodeCupv3 C++ 98 26 11000
10Ethan Berl (21, US)CodeCupTheseus C 26 10633 1
11Sebastiaan Roodenburg (42, NL)CodeCupTheseus C 26 8662
12Stephen Robertson (41, ZA)CodeCupMarauder Java 26 8361
13Laurent van den Bos (32, NL)NIOboe_schrik Pascal 26 8318
14Bauke Conijn (37, NL)CodeCupLost C++ 98 26 8311
15Rafael Mostert (17, NL)CodeCupMaestro5 C 26 8000
16Michel Dekker (35, NL)CodeCupShinChan Java 26 7735 1
17Raymond van Bommel (18, NL)CodeCupraydiscover Pascal 26 3446
18Sebastian Pawlak (30, PL)CodeCupDungeonRat Java 9 5912
19Erik Massop (19, NL)CodeCupUeberfail C++ 98 9 5821
20- - (34, US)CodeCupNotAmazed Java 9 5203
21Samuel Vergara (23, CL)CodeCupraton_RC1 C 9 2687
22G. van der Vegt (20, NL)CodeCupHunter Java 9 1073
23Ivaylo Stefanov (19, BG)CodeCupnew C++ 98 9 15
24Marcel Vlastuin (65, NL)UnofficialBlindFinder C++ 98 26 16100
25Willem van der Vegt (69, NL)Unofficialama3e Pascal 9 975 3

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25